Lower Back pain


Lower Back Pain, Right Side

Lower Back Pain, Right Side

Lower back pain on the right side, does not affect everyone, but at some point in our lives, and will almost 90% of us seek care for pain associated with our backs. And, lower back pain on the right side, are among the most common complaints.
Why lower back pain on the right side, not the left side
The researchers are unsure exactly why there more cases of low back pain on the right side than on the left side, but some suspect that since most of us are right-handed, we tend to exercise this aspect often, making them more susceptible to injury. Keep in mind sharp stinging pain or near the small of the back on either side can indicate a serious problem in the kidneys. It is always best to seek advice from the back, or lower back pain, a specialist when you're not quite sure what is causing the lower back pain on the right side.
Degree of lower back pain on the right side, you may not be like hers
Did you know that two people can both suffer from a herniated disc, one with excruciating pain and the other with no pain at all? This disparity is more common among those who suffer from lower back muscles. Researchers in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine decided that people can suffer from conditions for the return the same time experiencing pain levels difference.
Why should you suffer and not the other guy
In most cases, you can blame the lower back pain on the right side, and the lack of balance in the muscles along your spine. Years has allowed Miss use and poor posture muscles to develop in ways for which they were not designed. Your ancestors were probably hunters, collectors, farmers or factory workers. They did not get out of bed, sit in the car to drive to the office, then sit on a chair hunched in front of a computer all day, and sit in the car to drive home, and sit at the table to eat dinner and sit on the couch to watch TV. We see a pattern?
Even when we stand, we have developed is usually poor. Once in a while we were trying to get in shape, but will work out the wrong muscles, and having no idea that we are creating a muscle imbalance from a lack of proper movement. For those who work outside often, and chances are they may be working on the wrong muscles to put their backs and spine back into balance. It is likely that the muscles in the side of your back has placed insufficient.
So what can be done to ease the pain of your lower back on the right side
Search for muscle balance specialist who can determine which muscles need to work on in order to build vulnerable areas. There are some very good ones there so do your homework, you should be fine.
Immediate relief can be found with the drug, but check with your doctor first. He probably recommend Tylenol first, then an anti-inflammatory such as Advil, Motrin, Aleve or even aspirin.
You can lie in bed, but only for a few days. More than that, and your muscles will begin to atrophy and create more lower back pain on the right side. If you do not take a break, and make sure to get up and move every hour or so, even if it hurts. It will help to restore movement sooner.
Ice may be good for a day or two, but only if there is swelling. After the swelling goes down, switch to heating as it will help to increase blood flow to the painful area.
Yes, the movement is important, but if your lower back pain on the right side, is really bad, take a break every now and then by lying on your back with your feet or knees supported. Some people like to put their feet on a chair with their apartment again on the ground. If you are using a laptop, you can still get some work done this way as you rest your back. Do not stay on the ground very long time. Make sure you get up and move. Did we mention that the movement is our friend?
Please remember that if you are in doubt about the cause of lower back pain on the right side, see a specialist so that they can rule out any serious problems