Lower Back pain


Living With Lower Back Pain

Living With Lower Back Pain

Chronic lower back pain is a condition that millions the world over suffer from, living their lives in a perpetual cycle of pain and time spent seeking pain relief.
Living with chronic lower back pain is quite an arduous task that not only affects the person with chronic lower back pain; it can also take a devastating toll on family members/caretakers as well. Often times a family member unwillingly finds themselves a caretaker of the afflicted thus resulting in feelings of resentment and anger.
This can ultimately to a breakdown in communication which can send the relationship into a tailspin.
Those who do not suffer find it hard to fathom just how debilitating chronic pain can be.
How many times have you heard that the pain is "all in your head" or "you don't look sick"? All the while your frustration keeps escalating as you try to make others see that the pain you suffer from is real. And you would give anything to get some relief and some resemblance back of a life once filled with activities and joy.
The key is to never let the lines of communication breakdown.
Now this can be a difficult task to say the least but not impossible.

First let's take a look at a few things the chronic lower back pain can do to help insure the lines of communication remain open;
• NEVER take the person in trusted with your care for granted. Remember, they are helping you and might not be by choice.
• Treat them with same respect you would expect if the tables were turned. Just put yourself in their shoes for a day. You might not like what you see.
 Thank them. A simple "thank you dear" can go a long way
 NEVER speak to them in anger no matter how upset you may be. Anger begets anger and will never solve any issue that may be present.
If possible, help in your own care, i.e. bathe yourself when you can and help out around the house on those days when your pain allows.
 Make sure you are utilizing all the resources you have available at your disposal to treat your pain. If you miss doctor appointments or do not go to physical therapy as prescribed then how is someone supposed to believe you are in pain
 Try to keep you mind active. When your mind is focused on other this besides pain (like writing articles) you may find that while you still feel the pain, it may be easier to deal with because you are focused on something else and the pain is not in the forefront your mind
These are just a few ways that you can help to insure you are doing everything on your part to keep the relationship with your caretaker (family or otherwise) an open one with mutual respect and a common goal to rid a kind loving person from a terrible condition known as chronic lower back pain.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6765531