Lower Back pain


Back Pain

Back Pain
Why did I get back pain?

Most people do not really know why. In Scotland 83% of people with back pain were unable to think
of any actual cause for their symptoms1. Back pain is very often due to a build up of different things.
Examples might include working in awkward positions, sitting for prolonged periods or repeating tasks
frequently without changing positions regularly.                                        
                                        What is causing my back pain?
Back pain is rarely due to any serious disease or damage.
Back pain can be felt in the lower back area often spreading into the buttocks. Sometimes back pain
travels into your leg (sciatica). This type of pain is normally due to the sciatic nerve being irritated.
It is almost impossible to say exactly what is causing your symptoms. Often people ask:
How can I be so sore when I can’t remember doing anything to cause it?

                             Why is there nothing to see?

The lack of a clearly defined cause can make back pain sufferers feel very frustrated. Most people
would like a specific diagnosis for their symptoms.
How long will my back pain last
Thankfully, 90% of people suffering from acute back pain do recover within six weeks. This recovery is
helped if you keep active, keep at work and try to do things as normally as possible, even though you
may have to modify these activities at first.
If symptoms are not starting to improve within a week or so, you should consider contacting a physiotherapist
or GP to begin treatment and rehabilitation.

Is my back pain something serious?
Back pain affects nearly everyone at some point in their life and is rarely due to any serious disease or
If you experience any of the following, you need to contact NHS 24 as soon as possible.
Difficulty passing or controlling urine
Numbness around your back passage or genitals.
If you experience any of the following, you need to speak to your doctor as soon as possible.
Serious pain which gets worse over several weeks.
Generally feeling unwell.
Back pain that starts when you are ill with other problems such as rheumatoid
arthritis or cancer.
Your back problem doesn’t settle after six weeks.
Numbness, pins and needles, or weakness in one or both legs.
Unsteadiness when you walk.
How can I avoid further episodes of back pain?
Keep active…keep moving and begin to return to ‘your’ normal activity gradually.
It is a good idea to aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity a day, 5 days a week. That might sound
like a lot, but ‘moderate’ activity can be anything that makes you slightly out of breath and increases
your heart rate, like a brisk walk.
Visit ouractivenation.co.uk for lots of extra advice on how to become more active.
In most cases, back pain recovers in a few weeks but it is not uncommon for it to return. You can help
things by trying to stay in control of your symptoms