Lower Back pain


The Intestine Low Back Pain Connection

  The Intestine Low Back Pain Connection

The vast majority of Americans suffer from back pain at some point in their lives.
 Cost of this debilitating condition in some cases the country $ 60 billion annually.
 Unfortunately, all of the studies have shown that regardless of what one does for treatment, and everyone winds up with the same final result, which is far from being satisfactory.
 In other words, all the treatments are relatively ineffective and are categorized by those that hurt people less, instead of helping people more than others. 
Failed back surgery so often so has its own Insurance Act (the failure of low back surgery).
 I suggest that the reason does not get better results because the wrong model and used, and thus the failure is the most logical outcome.
There are many different causes of lower back pain. This article focuses on one of the most common scenarios, which is the back pain that involves the disk. A sharp pain, sciatica (pain in the lower leg travel), severe postural abnormalities, and difficulty getting up, and difficulty in walking is a common occurrence. Many times a bulging disk clear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Usually aimed treatments in the field of the protruding disk that is most often at the L-4 or L-5. Puts the problem here. Yes, there is an existing pain in the lumbar region lower, but the disk is not the reason, it is an effect. The effects of treatment can relieve symptoms, but it does not fit the case and this is the main reason for most treatments are not having good success over the long term.Often, when the lower back pain strikes, and the person was doing something nice also pick up a pencil or brush their teeth. It is illogical to believe that these activities would cause such pain. I suggest is the body is already in a state of dysfunction and all it took was a wrong movement (usually forward) for symptoms to appear. Why? This is a question that should be asked. Why is it that all it took for such illegal pain, and why there is a bulging disc and clear on photography? Based on more than twenty years of experience here is what I have found to be the model that works very well clinically that the "experts" would call the results impossible. Not only is the quick, lasting results as possible, and they can not be achieved with almost every patient who has this kind of back pain.Disk with patients, the pelvis is usually in the case of rotation. This rotation causes tremendous pressure on the lower lumbar region and disks. This is like pinching one end of the balloon. And the other side bulges. The same thing happens to the disk. Cause pelvic rotation brings us to the real cause of the problem. Called muscles stabilize the pelvis and iliac widely in nervous weak on one side and allowing the rotation. Muscle to be unbalanced, it must be from the wrath of the nerve innervating the muscles. In the case of the iliac muscle, nerve also supplied innervate the intestine. If there is a problem in the intestines, which can cause nerve. Nerves are two way streets. They can be affected by the level of the spine and also peripherally. The issue of cause intestinal irritation that causes nerve and muscles to go into joint dysfunction, with the resulting effect of rotation of the pelvis. In my opinion, the omission of the rotation of the pelvis by most of the treatments is the reason why they failed to bring about positive changes permanent. It is worth mentioning that rarely is actually disc pinching the nerve. However, the pressure on the disk causes degenerative changes and begins the process of inflammation, which produces chemicals that trigger pain.The most emotional treatment is one that matches specifically on the needs of the individual. Players intestinal common are also bacteria much bad, yeast and issues fungal infections, parasites, and the lack of good bacteria, constipation, whether or not to deal with this issue intestinal properly, and are given anti-inflammatory natural (enzymes analyzed for protein such as work bromelain as well), and will be experienced pain relief in a short time. Corrections structural joint and nerve are an important factor. Gentle therapies with a focus on the nerve roots involved and help in muscle recovery significantly. I personally use the tool set, percussion, cold laser, and techniques to balance the muscles in my office. It is not uncommon to observe the results in the days that the text books say takes six months or more to get. When you are dealing with an intestinal to completion, the results will be permanent