Lower Back pain


Best Chair for Lower Back Pain

Best Chair for Lower Back Pain

Can be sitting in the office chair for long periods of time causing quite low back pain or further deterioration of the return of the list, or a problem in the neck. Office chairs can increase the tension in the back, neck, shoulders, arms and legs, and, in particular, can add large amounts of pressure on the back muscles and spinal discs. People have a natural tendency to slouch over or slouch down in the chair, and this position can strain ligaments in the spine and tension discs and surrounding structures in the spine.
Here specific features to look for when you buy a chair that will reduce the risk of lower back pain:

Armrests. Choose armrests that can be adjusted in height and width. To provide the support you need to be at least 2 inches wide and made by soft material. Soft materials reduce irritation of the blood vessels and nerves in the forearm.
Backrest. Must be backrest height-adjustable with the curvature of the outside so that it fits small of the back. It should also be able to move forward and backward so that all people of all sizes will be able to sit comfortably, and should be adjustable angle.
Chair base. Search for a strong base. Better base has 5 legs. You must also be a base on wheels in order to allow you to move without stress the muscles of the payment, bending and reaching.
Pan seat. Find soft cushioning that allows the height to be adjusted. Do not go too soft though

Armrest. Adjust so that only slightly raise your arms at the shoulders. This will help take the strain off the neck and shoulders, and makes you less likely to slouch forward

Measure in the calf. Pay down your back against the chair, trying to pass your fist between the back of the leg and the front part of your office chair. If you can not do that then the chair is too deep Adjust the backrest forward, in addition to having lower back support, such as lumbar support cushion, pillow or towel wrapped

Measuring the elbow. Sit comfortably with the upper arms parallel to your spine. Palm of your hands on your work surface. If your elbows are at a 90-degree angle, and adjust the height of the presidential office, either up or down
Back support. Again should be pressing your lower back against the back of your seat. There should be a cushion for your lower back to arch slightly so that you do not slump forward or slouch down. Never recession or slouch forward in the office of the presidency, and that places additional pressure on the structures in the lower back, mainly on the lumbar disks

Measuring thigh.You should be able to slide your fingers under your thigh at the forefront of the presidential office
Use a footrest if they are too narrow

Resting at eye level. Should aim sight in the center of the screen of your computer. You need either to raise or lower the screen if your computer is either higher or lower you gaze to reduce neck strain