Lower Back pain


Resolving Back Pain from Multiple Causes

Resolving Back Pain from Multiple Causes

When you have a situation like the previous example, or

any other stressful situation, it helps to write down (or
verbally record) what’s going on. In our example, the overall
lifestyle change was “crunch time at work.” You may have
experienced (or be currently experiencing) a death in the
family, a divorce, an injury, or any number of other life
changes. During these times, you’ll want to record what
you’re feeling and note the major behavioral changes with
respect to your physical habits (related to the body), the stress
and emotional concerns burdening your mind, and the diet
you adopt.
When you write down these behaviors, you can see how
they are interconnected. In the example we used, you could
opt to treat any one of the three areas—body, mind, or diet—
to begin with. But frankly, when you’re able to see the big
picture, you’ll realize that it’s the job situation (or other life
event) that’s causing all the damaging changes.
If changing the career situation is impossible in the short
run, you may opt for treating the problems in your body,
mind, and diet. However, if you can somehow change or
improve the job situation (or any other stressful situation in
your life), the issues in your body, mind, and diet may either
disappear entirely (especially if you didn’t suffer from back
pain previously), or at least cause you less back pain, which
could make it a lot easier to use the specific treatment
approaches recommended later for the body, mind, and/or