Lower Back pain


Lower back pain : Why Didn’t My Doctor Tell Me About This?

Why Didn’t My Doctor Tell Me About This

You may be wondering why your doctor never told you

about muscle imbalances; trigger points; the excess
deficiency, and stagnation; and the mindbodydiet
Certainly he or she is an educated person. Do doctors not
know about them? And how can that be
The fact is, in the United States, and most other “modern”
countries, the medical schools tend to focus on treating the
symptoms, and the solutions they favor usually include
pharmaceuticals or surgery.
If you suffer a heart attack, for instance, because of a
blocked artery, doctors will focus on opening that artery
(either with surgery or medication) and give little attention to
why the artery became blocked in the first place. Then, to
help you avoid another blocked artery, they’ll prescribe drugs,
rather than investigate the “why” behind your condition.
Most of our medical professionals work very hard for their
credentials, and they tend to work equally as hard in their
practices. It takes an enormous amount of time and effort just
to stay current with all the advances in the medical world,
including new drugs, new treatments, and new technologies.
Unfortunately, insurance companies put enormous timemanagement
pressures on doctors. They only have a few
minutes to make you feel better—and a few minutes are
nowhere near enough to identify the underlying causes of
your pain, let alone develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
At the same time, pharmaceutical companies are creating
billions of dollars’ worth of profit each year, and so the focus
is not on prevention, but instead on how to sell more drugs
and what new drugs can be developed.
And while the typical doctor’s visit isn’t long enough to
really solve a back-pain problem, it is long enough to
prescribe the latest and greatest pill—a pill that may
temporarily reduce pain but doesn’t get rid of the underlying
causes of the pain, and that is usually not without serious
negative side effects.
Unfortunately, this sets up a vicious cycle. When the
underlying causes of back pain aren’t addressed, you end up
right back in the doctor’s office a few months later with the
exact same problem you had previously. And the whole
process repeats itself
The drug companies continue to make money with each
back-pain episode you experience. In a misguided attempt to
save money, insurance companies feel like they’ve succeeded
because they’ve kept doctors’ visits very brief—so they can
.pay them less
Of course, when you don’t actually solve what’s causing
your back pain, you end up having to go back to your doctor
repeatedly. This costs insurance companies more in the long
run, but they’re so used to thinking about short-term profits
that they often don’t look at it from any other perspective.
Fortunately for you, there are other approaches to
resolving back pain that do not rely on surgery or potentially
harmful medications.
Keep in mind that muscle imbalances and trigger points
are not technically diseases. Most doctors and the medical
schools that train them focus only on eliminating diseases.
And since most forms of back pain aren’t technically diseases,
many medical doctors aren’t familiar with these alternative