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Neck Pain Treatment

Neck Pain Treatment

Most people suffer some type of neck discomfort at least once in their lifetimes. It's so common that it's estimated that one in ten people suffer from it at any given time. Fortunately for most people, it is intermittent and mild. In many of these cases, neck pain treatment can take place at home.

Neck problems, whether mild or severe, can be treated at home with six simple methods:

1) Warm compress: Warmth helps to relax tense muscles. You can purchase different types of compresses at your local grocery or drug store. Gel compresses can be frozen for use as a cold compress or heated up in the microwave or in hot water for warm use. Other commercial compresses come in the form of fabric bags filled with some type of material (grains of dry rice are common bag fillers) that can be warmed in a microwave.

You can also make your own warm compress at home. Simply dampen a small towel and place it inside a zipper-style plastic bag. Before sealing the bag, heat up the compress in the microwave. Zip the bag and your compress is ready to use.

2) Massage: If you have a partner, ask him or her for a neck massage. He or she need not be an expert. Just a gentle rubbing or kneading will do. Five to ten minutes of this can go a long way toward helping tense muscles to relax.

If you're alone, you can gently massage your own neck. Alternatively, you can purchase a battery-powered massaging device. Place it between your neck and a high-backed chair to hold it in place.

3) Hot shower: You can combine soothing warmth with the feeling of a gentle massage by taking a hot shower. Let the warm water run directly over the area of tension for five minutes or so. You might even consider purchasing a massaging shower head.

4) Neck stretches: You can find a number of good neck-stretches online or from your doctor, chiropractor or physiotherapist. Gentle neck stretches unlock tightened muscles and joints and help restore normal mobility. They can be done just about anywhere, even at your desk at work.

5) Topical analgesics: A topical pain cream can be used for neck ache relief. These can be purchased over the counter. Stronger topical creams can be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

6) Ibuprofen: Taking ibuprofen is sometimes a good way to relieve pain. It's best to combine ibuprofen neck pain treatment with one or more of the other treatments described above. It should also be used sparingly, and as a last resort.

Neck problems that are frequent, chronic or severe may indicate a more serious underlying problem. Ibuprofen will only mask the pain but won't address the real issue. If you find yourself having to take it daily or more than once per day, this is a good indication that your pain needs to be further examined by a doctor.

Home neck pain treatment shouldn't be a substitute for medical care. If your problem persists or your pain worsens after a few days, check with a doctor to make sure that your neck condition isn't a symptom of a more severe problem.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5193183