Lower Back pain


lower back pain near kidneys

lower back pain near kidneys

This condition can really damage your quality of life and make you feel like less of a person. The causes of back pain are numerous, but their are some common causes account for the vast majority of back pain issues. The three main reasons that you may have pain are reduction of muscle elasticity, loss of strength bone and nerve damage.
Muscle elasticity is probably the most common reason people experience pain. In fact, the reason Most people have back pain as they age is due to a decrease in muscle elasticity. So how can you increase performance and the strength of their muscles in order to alleviate their suffering? The first thing I would do is try to stretch and exercise, these two activities to strengthen the muscles that decrease your pain.
Weak bones is also a frequent cause of people experience back pain. This is more common in elderly people but can affect anyone. Some ways to guard against this is to make sure you get plenty of protein and calcium in your daily diet.

Damage nerve is another common problem associated with this pain. But nerve damage can happen to anyone, because often the cause of my stress manual that has been put on back. This variety is not really your fault, because it often occurs during daily activities like work, lifting, or playing golf
These are three common causes of low back pain. While their are many other causes that are, these are the three most common and is a good chance that the problem revolves around one of these issues. You can help get rid of their suffering for the good looking quality alternatives to expensive medical-based measures

source : http://backpain-answers.com/back/lower-back-pain-near-kidneys