Gas Pains in Back

It's pretty bizarre how gas is related to back pain. It can be extremely painful to the person who is suffering from it, since gas develops in a couple of hours post your meal, and stays there for a long time. Gas pain reaches the back pretty soon, and the added pressure in the colon suppresses the nerve roots that indicate the pain. In many cases, even after a person has relieved all the gas, he experiences back pain. Gas pains, especially the ones you experience in the back, are attributed to acidity in stomach that is caused by taking in too much air at the same time, appearance of air-pockets in the gastrointestinal system, stress, etc., which cause air to build, thus, applying pressure from within, and that causes pain in the back. There are several ways to relieve gas pains, but before we understand the treatment for the same, let us understand in detail what really causes pain in the back due to gas.


Gas pains are mostly caused by acidic stomach, eating spicy food, acidic reactions due to stress, and other problems associated with the gastrointestinal system. When air builds inside the stomach, it applies pressure from inside, and leads to terrible pain in the abdominal area, upper back, and lower back. Many a time, we eat foods that are not easily digested. While gas is a byproduct of the digestion, due to inability of the body to breakdown the food inside, the gas gets stuck, and stays within all throughout the night. The result? In the morning, you experience terrible back pain. While gas is entrapped in the stomach, the abdominals stretch out, thus, destabilizing the pelvis. Note that, many a time, excessive stress on internal body organs leads to tissue weakening, and stomach aches. This results in back pain, regardless of occurrence of gas inside the stomach.


Normal gas pain relief methods are the most extensively acquired treatment of backaches of this kind, since, reduction in gas within the stomach automatically reduces pain in the back. To start with, it is highly essential for the patient to avoid overeating so that food gets digested without any hassles. A balanced diet with no acidic foods is the best way to get rid of gas pains. Baked potatoes, soups, bananas, milk, and cereals help in calming gas pains.

A variety of exercises help in relieving backaches due to gas pain, two of the most common of which are stretching and rolling, and duck walk. These exercises stretch the spine, and help in reducing pain. However, if you're experiencing unusually terrible pain in the back, it is advised you don't exercise at all. Other treatments may include relieving excessive stress as it often leads to overproduction of stomach acid in the body, thereby, resulting in gas pains that travels up the spine causing backache. De-stressing yourself will help in getting rid of gas pains at the quickest.

Above all, drinking more and more water causes colon to cleanse and relieves you of gas pains. It really doesn't matter whether you're in possession of a fat belly or a flat belly. Gas pains at the back of the body are not associated with the structure of your stomach. Instead, they're caused by excess abdominal gas inside the stomach. A combined attempt to bring into use all treatments discussed above can yield maximum results in no time.
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